Help your pet look and feel great.
At your request, Village Pet Villas' services include therapeutic, medicated and regular baths, coat conditioning shampoos — as well as the finest in hair styling and grooming for dogs and cats under the direction of our professional groomers, Mary, Mary Ann, and Louise. They will style your pet with the utmost attention to detail in order to best present its individual beauty.
Our groomers are pet grooming professionals who understands that each pet and breed has different grooming requirements. They will be happy to discuss the best ways to achieve a healthy and comfortable coat for your pet.
In addition to maintaining a healthy coat, your pet's hair and nails should be trimmed on a regular basis. Trimming your pet's hair and nails is an important part of a hygiene routine that not only helps your pet stay in top shape, but also contributes to its overall good health.
Our Pet Grooming Services
We’re proud to offer our clients the following services:
- Cuts, clips, trims, and styles
- Breed specific cuts
- Brushing and Dematting
- Medicated Baths
- Hot Oil Treatments
- Nail trims
- Ear cleaning
- Shampooing and conditioning
Call us at (352) 750-3000 to book your pet’s grooming appointment. You won’t be disappointed, we promise.